Holy Moly! It sure has been a while since I have posted anything of relevance...So where shall I start..??
Easter 2011
The Easter weekend started off fantastic! No school on Friday AND a clean house - HOLLA!! On Saturday, Kane and I got up and worked in the backyard, cleaning up the mess that the neighbor dog created. Yes she still visits and no, he STILL hasn't fixed his fence to keep her out. Parker was in his swing while we raked away. Then Saturday afternoon, my dad came up to spend the night. I feel so bad because anytime he comes up, the daddy-do list is soooooo long! This time, it was to fix the sprinkler heads...thanks Daddy! :0) It was so nice to have my dad here. Parker loved it and so did my dad! He got to feed him cereal and sweet potatoes and give him his bath - it was wonderful! We got up Sunday morning and got ready for church and started prepping for Sunday lunch. My dad, Judy, my brother, and his girlfriend Alyssa were coming in for lunch - a grand total of 6 plus the baby...I love having a full house of people, especially when I get to do all of the prep work...the last time I had a house full of people, I was on bed rest and had to watch everyone else do all the work...anyway, church was wonderful and so was lunch. I am so glad that everyone was able to come...did I mention that I love Nathan's girlfriend...?! Love. Her.
Here are a few of the pictures from the weekend.
Poppy and Parker |
Checking out what the Easter Bunny brought him |
Love his duckies on his jammies! |
He would NOT look at the camera - must like taking pictures about as much as his daddy! |
The Easter Bunny came again while we were at church! His onesie is ADORBS! I ordered it from etsy.com - it is a dump truck with eggs and his name embroidered on it! |
Easter Egg Hunt at daycare (I loaded it right side up, but it imported sideways, so adjust your head accordingly!) |
5 Months and Breathing Treatments
Yesterday, my sweet baby boy turned 5 months old. I didn't get any pictures of him, because we were lazy bones yesterday, but I will get some soon! He has been getting very snotty and coughing a lot over the past week, so I called the doctor today to see what they wanted me to do. I was giving him the same medicine that they gave him from the last time he was sick. Honestly, I was irritated that I had to load him up, drive to Lubbock with gas at $3.77 a gallon...it was supposed to be a day to stay home and snuggle, no school and no worries. Well, thank goodness I did, because my sweet boy has to have breathing treatments. We are basically treating it like allergy induced asthma. He has to have 3-4 treatments a day, with 2 different medicines. It is a lot for his little body to handle and I hope that it will help soon. We did the first treatment before bed tonight and he basically screamed through the whole thing. As I sit here writing, I can hear his horrible coughs through the monitor. I pray that he gets better soon!
Here is a picture of his new toy... :0/
Mommy Thoughts #1
-Parker weighs 17 pounds...that is a two pound gain in one month. He is chunky and I LOVE it! All of it.
-Yesterday was his 5 Month Birthday. Where has the time gone?!
-I hate dealing with the insurance company.
-Sunday is Mother's Day. Remember those mommies who have lost their babies. And those babies with no mommies.
-There are 19 days left of school. Amen.
-We need rain.
-Parker has tried green beans and hates them. He has tried sweet potatoes and is meh about them. He has tried peas and hates them. Tonight he tried carrots and was slightly more meh about them than sweet potatoes. He doesn't like cereal anymore either, yet he still gained 2 pounds..?!
-I am addicted to reality TV - the trashier the better!
-I wonder if they make a Nap Nanny in a twin size, because Parker will be in that thing until he goes to college. We broke the swaddle habit, but c'mon people, I need sleep too!